ICC Bosniak


Classes held every Sunday

Mekteb is the first form of institutionally organized Islamic upbringing and education. It is the initial and fundamental educational institution of the Islamic community in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal of school education could be defined as building a complete Islamic personality that unites the strength of faith, commitment to fulfilling religious principles and unwavering acceptance of Islam as a comprehensive way of life.

Based on this goal, the tasks of school teaching could be grouped into three groups: (1) inner awareness of belief in the truths of faith; (2) acquiring knowledge and mastering the skill of applying Islamic regulations and norms, (3) quality unification of convictions and practical application of acquired knowledge to the level of refined Islamic behavior.

Membership Portal – DzematX.com

Our community uses DzematX to maintain all membership/donation records. You are able to access your payment history and other details directly on this site using the email address associated to your account.
If you are unable to register, please contact [email protected].